Written By: Acharya Nagarjuna University : Editorial Team
In today’s hustle-bustle world, people hardly pay attention to their health. Mental Health is one of the most neglected areas of health. Being too busy in professional life can often lead to a rise in stress levels. As a result, one can suffer from headaches, anger, depression, loneliness and panic attacks which can take a toll on their mental health.
At this stage, one often takes the help of psychologists for counselling. These psychologists offer different therapeutical counselling to guide their patients suffering from health, abuse, emotional, social, and educational-related problems. To get a job in this field, one can earn a degree in any of the Psychology courses. One of these courses is Diploma In Psychology Guidance & Counselling.
A Diploma In Psychology Guidance & Counselling is a one-year degree course that teaches about the various mental health issues and approaches to handling them. It enables the development of the skill set to understand the mental health of a person.
The career scope after completing this course is immense. The various job profiles available are:
Health Psychologists provide therapies to people suffering from severe health issues like chronic illnesses. These psychologists are well-trained to guide these patients to overcome the emotional pressure they face during treatment. They encourage their patients toward a happier and healthier life.
School Counsellor help students cope with the mental stress they face during their academic exams. They motivate the students to overcome their fears and build their confidence making it easier to face people and become social. Their attributes will help the students build up their respective careers in the fututre.
Clinical Social Worker works with all age groups of people, be it a child, youth or the elderly, who go through mental distress and treats them to overcome it. They even treat the people facing domestic abuse and aid them to overcome their fear and trauma.
Marriage Counsellors deal with the issues that occur among married couples and in the family too. They speak with their patients, try to understand the problem and guide them towards the right solution.
Sports Psychologists are those who work with professionals sports athletes and use their expertise by addressing their problems and motivating them to work harder and reach their goals. They are performance enhancers for these athletes.
Career Guidance Counsellors study students’ capability, aptitude, and interests and accordingly guide them towards the right profession.
Organizational Counsellor work in a corporate to study the employees’ performance, listen to their hardships and motivate them to work better. They then share this report with the higher authority and suggest solutions.
Rehabilitation Counsellors guide the people suffering from disabilities to attain their professional goals and live independently and overcome any time of stress
Substance Abuse Counsellors treat the people facing any drug addiction and treat them accordingly as per the type of addiction.
Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) is teaching an educational program - Diploma In Psychology Guidance & Counselling. This course is for one year and
To get more information, visit the below official website - https://www.acharyanagarjunauniversity.in/